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Dro or traditional appellate review Form: What You Should Know

Ask the Service Secretary: Do you encourage all Veterans to use decision review? Do you plan to send a letter to the Office of Discharge Review for Veterans at all the Veterans Centers to remind them to submit decisions in writing before their scheduled deadlines? Do you plan to send any follow-up requests for assistance to the Veterans Center?.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dro or traditional appellate review

Instructions and Help about Dro or traditional appellate review

The VA appeals process is going through its biggest change since the 1980s. In 2017, Congress passed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. This act aims to improve the appeal system by replacing the current process. Currently, a claimant files a claim and the VA regional office (RO) sends a letter to the Veterans Claims Assistance (VCA). After that, the RO mails a notice of its decision. If the claimant disagrees with the decision, they must file a notice of disagreement within one year of mailing a rating decision. The claimant then has the option of requesting an RO review within 60 days of the VA offering it. If the claim is denied, the claimant can submit a statement of the case (SOC) or file an appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals within 120 days. If a claim is granted at any point, the process starts all over again. Now, let's take a look at what stays the same and what is changing with the new process. There will still be a rating decision after every claim is filed. The claimant can still have their decision reviewed by a more seasoned adjudicator in the regional office. The claimant can still appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals. However, certain elements are being removed. The statement of the case and VA Form 9 will be gone. Reopened claims will no longer be allowed. The need for new and material evidence will be eliminated. The decision by the Decision Review Officer (DRO) will be removed. What is replacing these elements are supplemental claims, relevant evidence, and a higher level review. In the new process, a claimant can file directly to the Board of Veterans Appeals. In the current system, when a veteran is dissatisfied with a decision and wants to...