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How long does the va appeals process take Form: What You Should Know

Days). · An average of approximately 5.6 months (35.8 days) will elapse between the day your Rating Decision is received by the Review Board and the date it becomes final. · Approximately 5.1 months (31.2 days) will elapse from the date the Appeals Panel or Hearing Board finds your appeal worthy. · If you are appealing a decision from outside the Office of Hearings and Appeals, an average of 25.1 days will elapse between the date the Office of Hearings and Appeals receives your appeal and the date it issues a decision. In each year that your appeal is pending prior to the point when the VA receives the Notice of Action, the average length of time that a case will be pending is determined by the number of other appeals being tried. The length of time that a case will remain pending before an Appeal Board is based on an estimate of the percentage of cases scheduled to be resolved prior to the date the Board receives your appeal request. The average time span between the date of decision and the date the Appeal Board makes a hearing decision on a case is dependent upon the number of cases on appeal that are pending. According to VA statistics, the average time spent on an Appeal Board appeal is approximately 36 days. There's a lot more to say, but that's all I know for the moment. I still need to research more. And if anyone wants to add the above to their wiki, I'll be glad to help. [1] VA appeals process times, by case number in a given year [2] 1 This is one of those things you always say when you're on a forum, and it hits like a truck.  2 No, it's not actually a new thing. It looks like it could be a new tool for them to try to fight the tide towards better outcomes (e.g. quicker) but the reality is that they probably don't care. That's not to say they don't care, but the reality is that they care because it's better for them.

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